Sunday, March 31, 2019

Still Life in a Changing Seen

Lyft lost $911.3 million in 2018. Lyft's IPO last week was very successful in terms of an IPO. Something else is always going on. I think of Van Gogh. Others think of him, too. There are artists who imagine they Like Emily Dickinson are Doing something different that will someday be Appreciated, and there are artists who do Paintings for hotels and believe they are Contemporary Rembrandt Van R's. There are educated, discerning persons who Adore some little band playing a derivative Sort of music and then who also turn around and Hold forth in conversations about how the current Political situation parallels another time of empire. Then they are abruptly upset because their Omelet was not what they expected, all of them At once in different places, all having omelets. Perhaps their omelets differ, and their Expectations differ, and their omelets somehow Got mixed up when in a perfect world they would have Got matched perfectly with the omelet-eater’s Expectations for eggs. Do we know What Emily and Vincent thought of Voltaire, or how They liked their eggs? All kinds of things continue As previously happened and no one is Apparently the wiser or more aware than An unclothed creature rooting for Grubs and tubers as a pride of Lions stalked its illiterate tribe. The oral records now only are An imaginary memory. Can you see The wormhole in a sunflower? KLK 3/31/19

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