Thursday, October 12, 2017

Seven Days of Sinbad

Sunday remains a day of hope and dread
Anticipating Monday's stressful dawn
Still thinking all's well as we go to bed
Uncertain what we base our feelings on.
We sleep and dream out of a known unknown
Clinging to notions of our hoped-for schemes,
Wild flowers in the night like mushrooms grown
Out of the shadows of remembered dreams.
When we wake what will be will be our week,
Those flowers giving sense to what we seek,
Each hour a step, the journey of our lives
Comes at us, less a going than arrives.
By Tuesday we become inured to guilt
As by the hour those flowers fade and wilt.
We, blameless in our failures, still believe
Come Friday we can find a fertile seed
That sprouts eternal in each night’s reprieve
And gives us back the hope we sorely need.
Saturday only the day wholly ours
We find the time to spend and tend those flowers.

Arbeit Macht Frei?

Sunday, October 8, 2017

What Just Happened

Years ago, I worked in a music club.

Most venues have the stage on one extreme
While opposite the bar is placed well back.
The seating for the audience between
Orients either way depending on
What patrons lack in their lives day to day
And which performance fills the transient void.
I often felt the show behind the bar
Attracted more attention as the sky
Not looking at the sunset but away
Can have more subtle colors.
What is important any time occurs
At angles to the primary affair.
We may believe the cameras have caught
The meaning and definitive direction,
And our own reasons need to follow their
Interpretive selective frames forever,
But was the eye evolved for seeing only
In one direction, and the mind for thinking
Heads or tails like a coin toss yes or no?

Perhaps you want details about the music,
Descriptions of the acts, comedians,
And bands, the owners, and the audiences.
These you will not receive, not anywhere,
Because they were the focus at the time
While now the purpose is the opposite,
In order to remind you what you missed
In other places and times, even now.

It seems a shame to waste a metaphor
The way the tables often had unfinished
Food and drinks left for servers to remove
As the lights came up, music ending, when
The need to clean then, to explain now, means
We simply set the stage to go again,
Revisioning our lives repeatedly.

Some memories like money in the bank
Gain interest over time, while others more
Like lies and small crimes we deny for shame.
It is like finding our own bodies dead,
And whether on a chair or on the floor,
No matter: We are not there anymore.


Monday, September 11, 2017

Love is Never Having to Say

Human beings are irrational.
Take these instances, behavior
That defies a reasoned explanation.
She loves me but hates my toilet paper.
Why does she insist on having decaf
Iced Americanos rather than
Skipping coffee altogether if
She intends to skip the stimulant?
She takes care to make Manhattans just the
Way I like although she knows it makes me
Snore when passing out and only what the
Heck explains the reason marginally.
And the mystery is why she loves me
Or no reason other than she loves me.


Wednesday, July 26, 2017

To See a Dog About a Man

I know how my day will go by the people I meet
When I walk first thing in the morning on the street.
I can tell by their reactions the sort of day
I can expect. The healthy ones running are best,
Often friendly, always focused and moving so
I know my day will be like that if only
I can avoid the others, the scowling neighbors,
The pajama people pushing their trash cans
To the curb like stoic, somnambulant slaves in hell.
The dog people are worse because they move like zombies
Possessed by their pets and let their dogs off leash,
Unleashing them in the park, the dog days of summer
Are upon us, and I know my day will be just so.
I turn and cross to evade but my fate is sealed.
The dog people want to encounter others walking
And want people to admire their dogs, no doubt
Because they have no lives without their dogs.
When I was younger I used to go along
And pretend to adore the dogs, but now I ignore
The dogs and their persons, and I do not let
Them sniff my hand because dogs smell dislike
And yet they like me even from a distance.
I can see in their eyes and the way they hesitate
Not wanting to go with their persons, thinking I
Am a better human, but they are wrong as surely
As I know when I see them gazing longingly
My day will be like the life they want to live
With a love I know I can never have or give.
