Sunday, November 22, 2015

Love Poem for LW

For LW

I do not know how I could fall in love
With you so fast it happened by surprise.
I hardly noticed and, not thinking of
You, felt more than now I realize.
It wasn’t your behavior I focused on.
It wasn’t what you said, and yet it was.
More feeling when you’re near and when you’re gone
A happiness which shouldn’t hurt, but does.
It isn’t how you look and, yes, it is:
The way you look at me that makes me melt.
This wasn’t there one day and now it is,
Strange, stronger feelings than I’ve ever felt.
This cannot end well, that I know as sure
As wounds will fester without a healing salve:
My feelings for you one more failure, your
Love something I can never hope to have.
Still I cannot help myself and stop this
Desire which will not stop at just one kiss.


By Any Other

Analogous to thinking there is only
One god and believing my god differs from
Yours contradicts the one-god theorem,
Belief in no god differs from the lonely
Internal dialog of consciousness
In name only, guidance given we
All get in private, same however you
Express it to yourself without the
Inciting word, whatever words come through,
The process is the same by any name.
What is this which grows in us all like grass
As a child might ask fetching with full hands
These questions in a never-ending game?
Let all assume the same, and let it pass
In knowing without name what understands.
