I was hungry at work so I went
Across the street to the
Sandwich place there and
Got a six-inch cold cut on flat bread and
Didn't want it heated but the person said
It's really stiff without heating so I
Got it heated and
Had American Cheese and
Black olives, lettuce, onions, mayo and
The rest of the process at Subway and then I
Walked back across the street and
Saw Sam my coworker smoking
At the place everyone's supposed to
Smoke and
I walked up and asked for
Some secondhand smoke and
Started eating my sandwich while
He smoked and we
Talked and
He made some kind of joke mentioning something which
I can't recall but I do
Recall saying it's a
Poem I'll write on Facebook later and
Now I can't remember what the thing
Was but I remember every other thing.