Tuesday, October 18, 2022

The Dog of the Car That Caught You

 A new myth if it is to be grand enough to be the myth of the time and place must take in all the pieces and put them in place.

The universe, all that is, ever was, and ever and never will be, started and remained a singularity. There was a question that triggered infinite questions, a sound, a word, a note, a chord, etc.

In the parlance of our times, the Big Bang, let us humor the science, and, skipping over the distraction of opening credits, let's get to our entrance.

Why matter? Okay, then why life?

Things were clean without organic stuff all over them. From what we know now it is but a little spill. We keep looking for other possible patches but haven't found much yet.

All the energy was together. Then it spread and the energy levels went down in places to allow for our messiness. The early creeping gave rise to a more peripatetic process, an intentional tension of then and now, here and there, back and forth.

Now we look back to see the beginning, but why? The answer is here, in what we do.

It occurs to me even as it occurred in the first place.

Let us make a mirror of our minds and reflect back, from the beginning to now, and in so doing, we reverse engineer the processes which begat us (and everything else) here.

But now is also yet forever and never (is, was, will be). To do what we do we have to recreate the universe in our thoughts and in our little chatter. We even talk back to our beginning, in our thoughts and prayers.

In this sense, what we make of everything by our processes out of universal processes is the second coming.

Saturday, July 30, 2022

You Had to Have Been There

I was hungry at work so I went
Across the street to the
Sandwich place there and
Got a six-inch cold cut on flat bread and
Didn't want it heated but the person said
It's really stiff without heating so I
Got it heated and
Had American Cheese and
Black olives, lettuce, onions, mayo and
The rest of the process at Subway and then I
Walked back across the street and
Saw Sam my coworker smoking
At the place everyone's supposed to
Smoke and
I walked up and asked for
Some secondhand smoke and
Started eating my sandwich while
He smoked and we
Talked and
He made some kind of joke mentioning something which
I can't recall but I do
Recall saying it's a
Poem I'll write on Facebook later and
Now I can't remember what the thing
Was but I remember every other thing.
